I’m not quite sure how what you’ll think of me, one day when you’re all grown-up and have a life and a family of your own. I can’t predict the future, but I think things are going pretty well right now. I’m incredibly attached to you, your life, your well-being, and your future.
I know that you are becoming a man in tiny pieces, one moment at a time. Little experiences and memories are connecting themselves to you, like lego pieces. One by one you’re becoming your own living, breathing, thinking person. You’re about the age now where you’ll begin to remember some of the experiences we share, and I hope they are the best ones.

I told your mom the other night that you are the only person on the planet that actually loves me unconditionally. That’s a pretty incredible feeling, little guy. It won’t be that way forever, because eventually I’m going to punish you for something, or make you mad, or maybe not completely understand what you are going through in your life. It happens as you’re slowly preparing yourself to become independent, spreading your wings.
I can tell you now there are so many things wrong with me. I’ve made some pretty terrible mistakes in my life, and I will make many more before my journey is complete. But the mistakes are what help craft us, build us. Legos…
I once had an ambition to change the world. Imagine that; your father wanted to change the world. I knew if I could just open the hearts and minds of people, we could make a difference, see everyone as equals, explore, and fix the injustices of the world. The problem is, the world became too heavy for me. I gave up trying, and not because the ambition is gone, but because there is so much hate floating around, so much indifference, bigotry, ignorance. You can’t combat it all. Everyone has their

It’s self-explanatory.
own view of what’s wrong with the world, and they will never listen to anyone else.
So maybe I gave up. That may be the biggest mistake of my life, but I won’t ever know it. Maybe I could’ve made a difference, changed something. But I could also be thinking too large. The only person I really need to make a difference with is you. If I can instill the best morals, the most intelligence, and the strongest ambition in you, perhaps I’ve done my job. Again, I can’t be sure. You might be an asshole.
We have a long time to explore the inner-workings of my mind, and I am going to do my best to put as much of it I can in this place. I’m not always right, despite what I may tell you for the next 16 years. We’ve got a hell of a journey ahead of us, you and I. Much will change, but I hope you’ll be able to read what I write here, and maybe you’ll know I have the best intentions.
Maybe I still have time, but we’ll have to work together. What do you say?
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