Category: Life Lessons
I’m Not Ready Yet.
You’re growing up. The last two years you’ve gone from barely stringing together fractured thoughts to relaying your dreams in detail, recounting events long since passed, and expressing your excitement about the future. In retrospect, it’s happening faster than I thought it would. It’s now 2018, as of a little…
Wrinkled Around the Knuckles
The State of the Mess
In Case of an Emergency
Leaving Most Unsaid
The World is Beautiful
Being Grateful
In To It.
Every Little Thing.
I’m Not Ready Yet.

You’re growing up. The last two years you’ve gone from barely stringing together fractured thoughts to relaying your dreams in detail, recounting events long since passed, and expressing your excitement about the future. In retrospect, it’s happening faster than I thought it would. It’s now 2018, as of a little…