Tomorrow There’ll be More of Us.
It’s been a bit, kiddos. I haven’t forgotten but I’ve been…distracted. I am not growing up to be the person that I expected. I’ve traded many things, my loves. I am, after all, writing to more of you than expected and that’s been a wild ride that was less expected. Life is weird and it’s…

Raise a Glass v2.0. Welcome.
It’s been a bit. I’ve been a bit. There are gaps in the story, my loves. There is a new equation. We’re operating with a X2 now my little lovelies. I realize the last 4 or 5 years have gone by quickly. I have learned a new favorite quote that does some justice: The days…

Middle Management
I have reached a point where I have become fully realized. I have no more tricks up my sleeve, kiddo. I am the guy I am. I am, however, becoming a slightly enhanced version of Aaron Metzger on a daily basis. I eat less or more. I work out harder or less hard. I drink…

(Oh I Just Can’t) Wait to Be…
29 years ago I was your age. I walked into a brand new school with brand new kids and a brand new teacher to learn brand new things about life and everything. I remember the first day, feeling excited. I don’t remember much else except one quick moment standing in the hallway after lunch. The…

I’m Not Ready Yet.
You’re growing up. The last two years you’ve gone from barely stringing together fractured thoughts to relaying your dreams in detail, recounting events long since passed, and expressing your excitement about the future. In retrospect, it’s happening faster than I thought it would. It’s now 2018, as of a little over a week ago. Of…

Wrinkled Around the Knuckles
I was putting you to bed tonight, and we were lying in bed. You were playing and my hand was on your back. It didn’t look like my hand though. My hands have always been the hands of a young man, a kid. These hands were slightly worn, wrinkled. They were the hands of my…

It’s Quiet Uptown
Your Pawpaw, Brent passed away a few weeks ago. He was one of the best men I have ever met. It’s still hard, of course, to think about the finality. We do our best to make sure you remember him, because he would have wanted that. You might not know that he died yet,…

On Endings
There’s never a good place to start, when it comes to talking about endings. Unfortunately we all find our way their with time. Some endings come sooner than others, well rehearsed, scripted, planned. Others by surprise and take your breath away, in a more literal sense. We had a great loss today, kiddo. I don’t…

The Best of Hands
I haven’t spent enough time on reflection lately, kiddo. For that, I am sorry. However, there is a reason for it, and happiness dulls the senses and calms the nerves. We have, all of us, been so very happy—actually, and not gun-to-my-head. You’ve been sick this last week, and it’s made me think of sickness.…

The State of the Mess
It’s been a bit, kiddo. I haven’t kept up my end of the bargain, writing enough to satisfy my own assumption that there will be words never read by you. In the event you are still listening, I am still writing, and there’s much to say. Every Little Thing, Is Gonna’ Be A’ight. First off,…

In Case of an Emergency
I had a dream last night that you suffered a terrible infection in your left leg and it had to be amputated. You were fine and wonderful and happy, because that’s who you are; but I was miserable. I watched you bounce around with your artificial leg and crutch; you were so happy and full…

Leaving Most Unsaid
It’s Halloween this week, kiddo. Jacqueline and I have an elaborate party to attend, and you’ll be spending the evening at your grandmother’s house. You love it there and we’ll go Trick or Treating on the 31st, because how else are we supposed to get candy for the rest of the year without paying for…