Really what I mean, is that you can’t really surprise me. The benefit of living a somewhat adventurous life of 29 years before you were born will allow for grey areas.
Some believe that people are not judged by their intentions, only their actions. The saying is supposed to compel people to do good things, not just to make plans. My thoughts are a little different and skew

This may be the strangest picture yet. Stock images are weird, dude.
toward the negative; hey, that’s what I do.
Your intentions determine who you are. Your actions determine who sees it. That isn’t a license to do bad shit, kiddo. It’s a life philosophy. What your mind is consumed by will ultimately determine the decisions you make, and the actions you will take. So what I am telling you is to, simply, think good thoughts.
You’re going to make a big mess of things sometimes. Break the law, get in fights, try drugs, get drunk, have sex, look at porn, and I can completely sympathize with all of those things. But you are not solely the decisions you make. If we made a giant list of good decisions on the left, bad on the right, my list would be decidedly unbalanced and close to toppling left.
So as we’re growing up together, we should talk some of these things out. The advantage of talking to me is because I’ve probably experienced something the same or very similar. I don’t judge, dude. I just tell it like it is. If you’re being an idiot, I may try to sugar-coat it for awhile until you’re old enough, but one day I’ll just tell you simply: you’re being an idiot. Feel free to do the same with me.