I watch really stupid television shows. They’re good now, but I’m more than sure you’ll ridicule for them for me one day; but I don’t watch bullshit tv, kiddo. I watch good shit. As such, I am going to enact my paternal right—the sacred spell written on talismans of old— for the first time:
because I said so.
I don’t find enjoyment out of this, but it is necessary. It is a time-honored phase that must be passed down. This is to be applied in only this case (until I undoubtedly find a purpose soon). Sometimes your dad finds snippets that inspire some thought. Thought that I want to share with you. It doesn’t make it cheap because it comes from 2015 tv, it makes is now.
After an unnecessarily long introduction, I come to the point: I would burn the world to the ground for you.
Maybe This Is Normal, Right?
Parents world-wide probably feel the same way for their children, and, as it seems, I am now in their company; I get it. We spent the weekend playing with farm animals, getting sunburns, getting dirt kicked in our face (sorry about that by the way), and spending time with family, to which all the previous thoughts apply—your grandparents live on a farm.
I had a thought the other day, probably a week ago: I have met the love of my life. I wondered what it would feel like, finally finding “the one.” But now I know for certain, it’s a hunger that can’t be fulfilled. I’m not perfect, and I am still very much my own living person, but the free moments in thought are consumed by you. I can’t get enough.
It Really Depends On Us
All this being said, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure your happiness. I am very much hoping our

Holy Shit, MarbleWorks. May you one day be so lucky to spend your life using this. Does this still exist?
lives won’t succumb to any instances where my dedication to do so will be called into question, but I will not hold back. You are the future, and that means you will be the one to survive me, see my ambitions unfold, be the better person, and live in the world I helped shape. I can’t promise we’ll have it figured out for you, but I hope we’ll do a better job than every generation before us.
I am the future of the world, but only for a time. That’s a heavy burden for anyone, and I sincerely hope
you don’t feel it too early. It’s heavy, kiddo. But save that for the adults for now, you’ve got so much time before we transfer the load.
But one thing is for sure, if someone fucks with you, they’ll have to deal with me first. I am pretty level-headed usually, but like I said before, I will burn the entire world to the ground before I let it engulf you.
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