Life is long an beautiful, buddy. It’s so wonderful, in fact, that it slips past us; we forget to hold on to the moment, relish it. You’re tiny and your big life-complications at the moment are how to get your tricycle down the step, which is an important goal, and we’re learning together how to make that happen for you. This next question is lofty and should be reserved for much later in life, because we’ve got time, and many steps with which to move tricycles. The point is: don’t sweat the heavy stuff, because that will come on its own one day.
Okay Great, So What Happens When We Die?
Fine. I’ll get to it, if you want to take this journey. The truth is no one really knows for certain, in its entirety, what happens when we die. I don’t either, but, I’m going to tell you what I know happens. I’ll also cover, quickly, what other people believe happens when we inevitably succumb. I cannot cover all the different beliefs, when it comes to death, because there are entire libraries that can be devoted to the topic and all the books and research and dogmas whittle down to a definitive “I dunno.”

When I was looking for images for this post, I came across this. It was an actual WTF moment. This is wrong, and it’s a paradox. This doesn’t exist, so never say anything like this because people will think you’re dumb for all eternity.
What Happens to Our Bodies?
There’s something more than just a fleshy machine that makes up Holden, but let’s talk about the biodegradable space suit you currently occupy. Your body is built with almost infinitely tiny parts—the average human body weighs 70 kilograms, mine is 97 because I enjoy butter, which accounts for roughly 7*1027 atoms that’s this many 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000—which somehow and for some reason interact with each other in such a way that make you, you. But your atoms are fickle and happy to escape in any direction given the opportunity to do so. When we die, these little bits decide to move on with their own destiny, searching for something else to inevitably become apart of, because they have daddy issues maybe, or they’re serial monogamists.
So all these bits disperse. They want to find a more hip party to attend, which is fine. Some end up in grass, or trees, or the sky, in the oceans, or the top of mountains; some end up part of other people. These tiny particles become a part of everything in existence. Your body, quite literally, becomes a part of everything and it lives on forever, giving other beautiful things life. I mean, you watch The Lion King, it’s the circle of life.
What Happens to Our Souls?
Well, “souls” are what some people call it, others call it “consciousness.” Basically its our minds and memories and experiences all tied in together to give your fleshy machine life. Your consciousness is the only thing that really makes you an individual. Bodies are merely the mode of transportation. So here is where it gets more challenging: some people think there is a heaven that you’ll ascend to, and some people don’t. The truth is no one really knows for sure. They can believe what they want, but they’ve never actually died and experienced it, and those that have claimed to have such an experience are either lying or delusional. We cannot every know with absolute certainty what happens.
What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that small portions of your memories will live on for a very long time in those that love you. Your experiences, your emotions, your thoughts, many of them in one way or another will leave a mark on those you’ve met and interacted with in your life. These marks or memories will be carried indefinitely. You can very well live forever in the hearts and minds of those around you. For this very reason you must be mindful of the way you live your life. You can be remembered as a tyrant, or you can be remembered warmly, lovingly. In my case, in some stories I will be remembered fondly, and in others I am the villain, for which I regret. We must be cautious, young fellow, in our travels.
What About This Heaven Business?

maybe it’s like this, but without the sinking feeling of falling when you realize you don’t have a parachute.
There are many people that believe in heaven, their own versions of such. When I was young and a christian, I was taught it was located somewhere above us, with golden gates and streets, without fear or pain or sadness. Some cultures or religions believe it has something to do with virgins or reincarnation becoming ghosts to rattle kitchen cabinets. Everyone should be capable of making their own decisions, just like you should make yours. I’ve made mine and that’s respecting the choices of others, and sticking to knowing what I know: our bodies become part of everything and the memories of us live on forever.
What About Hell?
Hell doesn’t exist. It’s a fairly tail created to get kids to eat their vegetables.
Does that Mean I Can Do Whatever I Want?
No, dummy. You’re talking about morals. The fact that I am writing this entire website for you, in an effort to impart wisdom and morality, points to no. I mean, do what you want, of course, just take care of people: take care of your family; take care of your friends; take care of strangers. If you live your life thinking of others, then you’re probably going to be in a pretty good spot.