A Rock and a Hard Place, Defined.

rock and a hard place - it sucks to grow up

  Throughout life you’re faced with decisions every moment. Something inexplicably keeps all of our genes together, unknowingly bound to one another. Even greater still they work harmoniously together to make each one of us operating in normal “us” fashion. You’re quite the adventurer. You’ve been labeled by your teachers as energetic,…

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That’s What Dads Do.

burn the world - it sucks to grow up

I watch really stupid television shows. They’re good now, but I’m more than sure you’ll ridicule for them for me one day; but I don’t watch bullshit tv, kiddo. I watch good shit. As such, I am going to enact my paternal right—the sacred spell written on talismans of old—…

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It’s You I Like.

me and the kiddo - it sucks to grow up

I watched an awards speech just now by Mr. Rodgers; he has since passed, but not before inspiring more than one generation. During his speech he asked for the audience to think of one person that has helped you to become the person you are today. I only thought of you. You’re sick…

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Intention vs. Action

waiting - it sucks to grow up

  Really what I mean, is that you can’t really surprise me. The benefit of living a somewhat adventurous life of 29 years before you were born will allow for grey areas. Some believe that people are not judged by their intentions, only their actions. The saying is supposed to…

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I Am Protective

I am protective - it sucks to grow up

You’ve been sick for a week—in a series of illnesses over the last 4 months this has been the worst—and we took you in yesterday to get tubes in your ears. It’s simply surgery, performed countless times without hiccup, of course. But there was a moment, an image that I…

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